All online marketers know the allure of email list marketing and how profitable it can be. Even though it is not hard to put it all together, there are many challenging aspects. That fact alone accounts for the relatively low number of successful email marketers. But you should not let that get in your way or otherwise dissuade you from doing it. If you are unaware, then we will tell you to do some learning before jumping into it. Become prepared and arm yourself with knowledge because there is a learning curve. The smart approach is to be patient and discover the important information, first.
The expression, above the fold, is not unique to email marketing but is still relevant in certain situations. So look at a site, any site, and without scrolling down the page at all you will be viewing above the fold on that site. That top area, above the fold, is the best place for your optin box; plus there are other considerations, as well. You have noticed that with blogs the optin box is always in the upper right corner somewhere. The obvious reason for this concern has to do with the box being visible to the readers. However, the exception to this is for those who do PPC ads, and in that case the landing page should not have it or it needs to be below the fold for best results.
Some marketers only use text emails, and another percentage tends to use the HTML based emails. The thing about HTML is that even though there is more you can do, not everybody has an email client that supports it. You may know that images affect people which is why some go with HTML. But just remember that you cannot go overboard in your emails. We are certain you would not be happy if your great email with all the graphics and such triggered spam filters.
Email filters are widespread and are found in any kind of email client program. Plus, there is filtering performed at the ISP level. But usually people have to enable or disable that feature; chances are good that filtering on is the default setting. What the email filter does is impose a block on an email based on certain criteria. For example, what you place in the subject line, or the email address in the "From" field as well as the email body copy are all considered. Then there are certain words, phrases and characters that are tested for in those spaces. If there is a certain combination or perhaps score that serves as a trigger, then the email is filtered or blocked out. Because you are new to email marketing, you should try to find out everything that you can about it. Obviously, these terms will be used with an autoresponder. So, you obviously need to know what they mean. The price is a very good reason for you to start building your own house list. You will spend significantly less money marketing to your house list than marketing to those who are not on it.
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