Increasing your site's crawl rate means how often the search engine bots visit your site and read it. As you work to make this happen, then when it does starting climbing then you can assume you are on to something good. Most small web marketers probably never even consider this important aspect of search engine marketing. There is no time like today to begin learning and doing something about it. If your site is looking pretty lonely with no search bot activity, then you must read this article and then take action.
Hopefully you are aware of SEO for the on-page factors, and that is hugely important with crawl rate. When you have a strong title with the right meta tags, you automatically invite the search engine bots to come back again and again. The index for a particular search engine, like Google, has to be include your site. Even though there are a number of other factors that play a role in improving your website's crawl rate, what we discussed here is crucial as well. It may seem like a simple thing, but it does play a role. Your crawl rate is directly affected by having pages that are heavy and because they load slowly. It's important to get rid of anything that could be weighing down your site or decreasing the size of your page. This will make your site much faster. This makes it easier for Google and the other search engines to crawl your website more frequently. You also need to lower the amount of images that you use. If you do have to use images, then tone down the size. The main idea here is to take every step that you need to take to help make sure that your website isn't loading slowly.
If you have know idea why your crawl rate is low, then either read and learn or ask people why it is happening. Remember that it will take a little while before you can begin turning things around in this area. Take each day one at a time, and then just feel good that you are taking positive steps. There is nothing like constant effort, but just be sure you are doing the right things for your site.
There are a number of factors that can help you with your site's crawl rate. There is no reason to try anything underhanded as it is easy to do and does not take much time. So do not worry if this has been an issue with you before, and you can use these methods very effectively. When people return to your site, then that will help a lot with this issue. You can get the bots there, but you need to give them a good reason to keep coming back for more.
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