Sunday, April 22, 2012

Points, Interest Rates, And How You Can Cut Down On Mortgage Payments

Most experts and homeowners believe that one goal of a successful mortgage loan is to avoid paying points. This belief does not always hold true, though.

Points, Interest Rates, And How You Can Cut Down On Mortgage Payments

If some of the terms in this article sound like jargon, you must first understand what points are. Lenders sometimes ask for an upfront cost, or "points", in order for the person they're dealing with to qualify for the loan. Those who want to have as little points as possible need a great credit score and a healthy monthly or annual wage. Despite this, having more points can be better and something you can request for.

Points and interest rates make strange companions in a business sort of way. A low interest rate usually goes with a high amount of points to be paid. The correlation of points and interest does not quite apply if you have bad credit, but applies in most cases. You can play around with this relationship to your benefit.

It doesn't matter whether you pay a lot of points on a loan - the cost will not even come close to the amount of interest paid over the loan's entire lifespan. But you can work with points in other cases, such as if you are in a house where you want to live in for quite a while. After all, you are trying to save money. And you can do so by effectively using your points.

One example of how to use points would be by buying your interest down to a manageable rate by means of paying a good amount of points to the lender. You will need to know how far your interest rate will drop with so many points. The math can be difficult, so have the documents from your lender in writing and use a mortgage calculator to do the math. See if your monthly payment due can be cut down as well. The last thing to do before committing to a decision is to compare the points needed with the numbers you have gleaned.

Most homeowners think very lowly of points, but they don't deserve the criticism they have gotten so far. You could potentially save thousands, or even hundred thousands, over the lifespan of your loan.

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