Employee management is a very important task for every organisation for extracting the best and maximum output from the employees. In fact, now days a good Human Resource manager is appointed by every big organisation for taking care of the employee management of the company.
In order to evaluate the performance of an employee, a performance plan has been formed by the HR person in the organization that can help him to monitor and assess each individual employees performance.
KRAs i.e. Key Responsibility Areas of every employee is great help for the HR of the organisation for managing the employee of the organisation. It also helps the employee that what is expected out of him. After deciding the key responsibility areas it becomes essential to check out the performance of the employees with the help of KPAs i.e. Key Performance Areas. Key performance area compared in comparison to set Key responsibility areas and thus helps to decide that what levels employee has to achieve. These KPAs further help the HR professional of the organisation to design the performance appraisal of the employee in the organisation.
Basically, proper performance appraisals can be managed through systematic measurement of employees KPA. This will show the overall growth the employee from his first day in the organization.
HR professionals are helping organization in terms of employee management such as defining the standards, formulating the policies and procedures parameters within the organization, so that standards can be set.
Management by objective is very much associated with the fact that an employer is assigning the responsibilities to its all employees and making them to focus on the right path keeping organizations objective in their minds. Basically, KRA is an excellent technique or method, as well as an important task to perform by an employer for its employees.
Performance appraisals help a lot to boost up the morale of the employee and thus motivate him to achieve his goals which are being set by the organisations. Employee management is really beneficial for the development of employees, motivation of employees, retention of employees and for the employees to get engaged in constructive activities
In order to attain its objectives, and attain the organizational goals, an organization must understand the importance of employee management and its all aspects. Necessary steps must be taken to get maximum benefits from employee management that also helps an organization in decreasing the overall employee turnover. Employee management has become a very fruitful process for an organization.
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